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Reduce Stress with Body and Breath
Welcome to Reduce Stress with Body and Breath!
Bonus #1: The Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness Practice
Bonus #2: Setting Your Intentions and Assessing Your Stress
Bonus #3: Reduce Stress, Find Balance, and Cultivate Well-Being (e-book)
Getting Started
Welcome Video (3:42)
Introduction to Mindfulness
Video: The Brain, the Nervous System, and the Stress Response (25:20)
Reducing Stress with the Breath
Video: Coherent Breathing (9:52)
Diaphragmatic Breathing ("Belly Breathing")
Music and the Breath with Stephanie Sprenger, Music Therapist
Guided Meditation: Mindfulness of the Breath (7:59)
Guided Meditation: Introduction to Meditation (8:24)
Week One: Reflection
Week Two: EMBODY
Introduction to Week Two
Video: Embodiment and Aliveness (30:28)
Stress and the Body
Video: Posture and Power (14:52)
Video: Body Awareness Practices (6:42)
Guided Meditation: Body Awareness (11:36)
Guided Meditation: Working with Pain (8:33)
Connect to Your Nature with NATURE with Christy Moe Marek
Week Two: Reflection
Week Three: MOVE
Video: Introduction to Week Three (9:39)
Download: Menu of Mindfulness Practices
Video: What is Movement? (8:22)
Movement and Stress... and DANCE!
Moving Without Arriving
Video: Mindful Walking (17:45)
Moving and Changing
Yoga and Stress Reduction with Jenni Derryberry Mann, RYT
Moving and Drumming with Marc Anderson, Zen Priest
Week Three: Reflection
Week Four: FEEL
Introduction to Week Four
Understanding Emotions
Video: Mindfulness Practices for Working with Emotions (9:26)
Guided Meditation: Working with Emotions (13:32)
Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Lisa McCrohan, Psychologist and Therapist
Video: Emotions and Containment (14:07)
Guided Meditation: Emotions and Containment (7:03)
Cultivating Stress Resilience
Essential Questions for Managing Your Stress
Week Four: Reflection
Video: Mindful Walking (17:45)
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